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User information
Enter your password.
Social security number
The format you should use is DDMMYY
So if your birthday is 26th of April 1994 it is 260494
Enter your full name.
Optionally, enter the full name of a cohabitant.
Enter your address.
Enter your Danish zipcode or enter your foreign zipcode below.
Enter your foreign zipcode and city.
Enter your mobile phone number.
Receive a text message when new offers arrive
Receive offers of housing by e-mail
Enter your phone number.
Number of adults in household.
Select your prefered language
E.g., 17-01-2025
The date at which you start/started your education.
E.g., 17-01-2025
The date you wish to move in, you will not receive offers of housing with a move-in date earlier than this date.
E.g., 17-01-2025
The date at which we should start sending you offers of housing.
Maximum rent (excluding utilities) only apply if you have marked "Search All"
Optionally; Please input a comment