2 room apartment,
Ørstedsgade, 5000, DK
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Number of6
Net area65m2
Facilities, shared
Facilities, own
PetsPets not allowed
Rent pr. month (Dkr.)4.968,00 kr
TV7,00 kr
Deposit / Downpayment / Prepayment12.940,00 kr
Electricity0,00 kr
Water0,00 kr
Heating0,00 kr
Internet0,00 kr
Other0,00 kr

Afdelings info:

Centrally located area with both student housing and family. Many different interior design, both 1 - and 2-room student residence. All appartments with own kitchen and bathroom. Glasværket has shopping and buses by the department. Short distance to the railway station and several educational institutions. There are several common rooms in the department.

It is allowed to keep a cat in Fjordsgade.

There is a direct payment to the supplier of water, heat, electricity and antenna.
Pictures and floorplan
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